Sunday, 22 January 2012

This post is inspired by the stunning Kayleigh over at Couture Girl.
I love a post about health and fitness - as much as i love reading about beauty products and whatnot, lately health & fitness posts have become my new favourite reads.
Since my recent breakup, I feel that the best use of my time as a single girl would be to work on myself, -rediscover all of the confidence I lost over my last two relationships, and the best way to start would be to work on my body confidence. I've always been slim, but i've never been toned. Knowing how good it makes you feel to work out and see results has inspired me to really kick start a health and fitness routine. Especially now that I have an awesome holiday to Vegas in the pipeline for the summer, I have a goal to work towards.

Que workout outfit pose

What I want to do is fully tone up every inch of me, especially my stomach, bum and thighs. I've got this dream to have a body like a Victoria's Secret model....although i will NEVER have the time to work out as much as required to achieve this!!

My trouble is time. As I work in London, I have to commute in for an hour, and an hour and half commute home, so by the time I get in it's already 8ish and then the last thing I feel like doing is going out again to the gym. I used to use the gym down the road but I really didnt like it, always struck me as quite a grubby gym. So then I joined a gym that was a 15 minute drive up the motor way and I loved it and made good use of it over the summer whilst we had a break from work, mainly swimming because the pool was always quiet. Since being back at work though, there just isnt the time to drive all the way over there. Eventually I let my membership run out, but i'd love to join up again.

In the meantime, i've been doing home work outs and running and already im seeing results. So this, combined with healthy eating will hopefully be what it takes to regain my body confidence. So irritating that a guy can make you feel so shit about yourself eh? But yes, time to put all of that behind me for a healthy, happy 2012!

Apologies if this was a bit rambling!!


  1. This is what I need to do tone up,especially my hips and thighs, you look great by the way already great figure :D Look forward to reading your progress and hopefully a few tips. Good luck :D x

  2. Definitely a dream of mine to look like VSM too - they are gorgeous!

    The Urban Umbrella

  3. Catherine - Thanks so much! Sorry I have been slacking on the updates but I promise to fully report on how the healthkick progresses! You have a fabulous figure and already look super toned!x

    TheUrbanUmbrella - They are indeed soo gorgeous it's not even fair! Love your blog title x
