I got up early & went to the gym - did 40 lengths of the pool alternating every few lengths between breast stroke, and using a float to rest my arms and really work my legs. I'm really aiming for overall toning but with particular attention to toning bum tum and thighs so hopefully this routine will help to achieve this!
I went to the shops with my mum in the afternoon and made a quick stop at the library, something I havn't done for years! Turned out to be a very worthwhile trip as I picked up 3 books by my favourite author Tony Parsons, as well as a Katie Price book for my light-hearted trashy reading pleasure!

Also picked up the new Cosmo magazine for the bargain price of £2!

My plan for tomorrow is to go to the gym for a run and a session on the leg press (aka amazing bum toning machine) and then off for a spray tan after that. Tired of feeling pale and as the sun has decided to go back into hiding a spray tan is the only solution!
Lovely post, made me happy!
/S / http:// mydarlingsolitude.blogspot.com
Very glad one of my blogposts had that effect!x