Currently holed up in bed at half past 9 in the evening with my trusty bottle of Night Nurse.I seem to have accumulated a chest infection, probably from day after day of being squished up to strangers on the tube. Infection central!
So i figured I'd get down to some hardcore blogging. I might waffle on, so brace yourselves!
First up, I wondered if any of you have ever tried hair growth pills? I always see adverts for them on the London Underground, for healthy hair and nails and whatnot, so I wondered if anyone had ever tried them. My hair has been shoulder length for as long as I can remember. Probably doesn't help that I bleach it to within an inch of its life, but it just wont bloody grow!! Despite being given a lovely pair of GHDs for Christmas, I have refrained from straightening my barnet and have instead been blowdrying it and going to work with it in some crazy fluffy au natural state, in the hope a break from intensive heat styling might do it some good. Getting pretty bored of having to clip in hair extensions, and I refuse to go down the route of sew-in extensions again as it was majorly uncomfortable. So yes, to the point, if you have ever tried hair growth pills I would love to know how you got on with them!
Lately I have been feeling pretty image-concious, and not just on the hair front. I'm talking body, hair, teeth, skin. A combination of long days, air con, late nights, lack of sleep, not drinking enough, and eating far too much chocolate has left me feeling a little glum in the body and skin department. Really want to get in tip top physical condition for my holiday, so I need to pull myself together and get down to some exercising!

As for teeth...i havn't got BAD teeth as such. The top row are fine, but on the bottom left row I have one particular offending tooth that is crooked. Shame teeth cant just be manouvered around a bit because it just needs pushing back slightly! Its never really bothered me before, but lately I've been preoccupied with the idea of trying my hand at presenting. Ever since i started my job in the surreal world of TV land I have been asked the question, 'Would you ever consider presenting?' and I've always said no, because in all fairness I have never considered it. Lately, however, after another person in the industry asked me if i worked on screen, I suddenly thought maybe I could do it? But then I thought about how smiley presenters are, and then I thought of my bloody wonky tooth. I got to thinking about veneers (is that how thats spelt?!) a la Cheryl Cole,and did a little bit of research on the trusty interweb and realised that not only do veneers cost an absolute fortune but that like all cosmetic procedures they have risks. So I figure I may just have to learn to put up with my wonky tooth and give this presenting lark a shot regardless!
If and when you are feeling a bit low on the image-front, what do you do to snap yourselves out of it?
I've been taking hair supplements for above half a month now. They are called 'hair nutrition - food fo ryour hair' was recommended to me by the ppl in the store cause my hair wont stop falling out lately! its actually scary.
ReplyDeletehaven't really seen a difference tbh but the box is for 1 month supply.