The title of this post effectively describes exactly how I feel right now.
I am currently holed up in my bed with my cat Molly, feeling like i've been beaten round the head with a cricket bat.
What I initially thought was a raging hangover the morning after a night of work drinks (we went for a 'few' to the bar next door, but before too long myself, one of our presenters and another colleague had managed to demolish three bottles of Rose) however copious amounts of water, hangover food and painkillers have done nothing to dull the pounding in my head, which I can only assume can be a migraine. I get these pretty regularly and they are horrendous, nothing seems to help.
So here I am, 10pm on a Saturday night, tucked up and ready to call it a night before work tomorrow. Tragic.
Currently reading:
'One Fifth Avenue' by Candace Bushell: Written by the author of Sex & The City (a book that I struggled getting into after continually making comparisons to the series). Described as 'a modern day story of old and new money, of sexual politics, real-estate theft and fortunes won and lost in a day'. Am only a chapter in but enjoying it so far!
'The Game' by Neil Strauss: One of my male colleagues enlightened me about The Game one lunchtime whilst taking a stroll in the park, Costa coffee in hand. The book depicts the journey of a man who has become the most successful pick-up artist in the world. It details how PUA's can completely manipulate social situations in order to pick up women. I bought the book to get an insight into the methods used by pickup artists, so interesting!
What are you reading?x